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Our Mission

We recognize that the health status of far too many Americans is declining rapidly. Obesity, stress, lowered immunity and a variety of other maladies have left a large percentage of the population with chronic conditions such as pain, sleep issues, digestive problems, fatigue, mood disorders and hormone imbalances. These conditions prevent many people from reaching their life’s goals and robs them of their ability to live successful lives. Declining health also takes away your will to be your best self and destroys your ability to do the things you love and to care for and love others.

At Function-Based Wellness, we realize that if you are ever going to live your best life, having optimal health is an absolute priority. Unfortunately however, we’ve all been socialized to believe that the medical model, “pill for every ill” philosophy, is the only approach. The drug companies spend billions every year hypnotizing you into believing this nonsense. They want you to believe that you don’t have to worry about your health all that much because the latest drug, potion or injection will always be at your disposal to heal you when needed. But you know, deep down, that is just not the case since drugs cannot heal; all they can do is usually just suppress symptoms without addressing the real problem.

Function-Based Wellness was created to show you that there is another way and that you don’t have to rely on the medical model to solve your problems. (Unless, of course, they are related to an emergency situation.) 

At Function-Based Wellness, our approach to helping you restore your health is to use the novel idea of getting your body to work better. We do not treat diseases or conditions. We show you how to align your body with the natural processes that make it work like it was designed. We teach all of our clients that health comes from within and that healing is a natural consequence of getting your body back to proper functioning. And better yet, we show you the results using state of the art testing and body scans.

Our message to you is that all healing comes from within, as God intended. Our methods are all natural, scientifically based and thoroughly effective. We aim to create a new paradigm in our community based on understanding natural laws and using simple yet powerful techniques to change lives and increase your quality of life.