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Diet and Nutrition

Did you know that nutritional imbalances may cause a variety of symptoms, including fatigue, weight gain, cardiovascular problems, mood fluctuations, memory loss, and more. Vitamins, minerals, and amino acids are nutrients that are essential to the body’s many metabolic activities. It can have significant consequences on many different biological systems when these nutrients become insufficient or out of balance. Long-term nutritional abnormalities can also cause organ weakening, an increased toxic load, metabolic diseases, hormone problems, and oxidative stress. Therefore, it is crucial to correct any nutritional imbalances with a balanced, nutrient-rich diet or, as necessary, specialized supplementation. 

We work to find and address any underlying physical imbalances that might be causing your symptoms rather than just treating the symptoms themselves. We are aware that each person’s body is unique and requires special attention. We perform a thorough, in-depth health examination and lab tests to determine what is happening inside and pinpoint the precise treatments that are effective for your digestion, absorption, and utilization of the nutrients. Then, using targeted nutrition and lifestyle changes, we develop a customized program to treat them and restore the body’s balance.

The goal of functional nutrition, a scientific and comprehensive approach to health, is to restore equilibrium to the body. We will determine what your health roadblocks are so you can take charge of your own healing process.