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Why Does Detoxification Matter?

Toxins are substances that can cause harm or negative health effects when they enter the body. They can come from a variety of sources, such as the environment (e.g., air pollution, pesticides), food and water (e.g., heavy metals, bacteria), or personal care products (e.g., cosmetics, cleaning agents). The body has natural systems for identifying and eliminating toxins, primarily through the liver, kidneys, and digestive system. However, exposure to an overload of these chemicals it comes in contact with can overwhelm our systems – becoming trapped in the body’s organs and tissues; and inhibiting their normal function. This eventually will negatively impact health, vitality, and overall wellness. 

Every person’s health and well-being depend on how well their body removes and purges toxins. We offer an evidence-based detox program which is designed to gently and slowly support the process of metabolic detoxification to promote whole body health. This program is simple to complete and effective in outcome. By supporting the body’s natural two-phase process of detoxification, toxins can safely and effectively be cleansed from the body – leading to healthy energy and vitality, proper weight management, healthy skin and hair, restful sleep, clear thinking and the establishment of healthy habits for optimal long-term health.

Here at Function-Based Wellness we view the body as a whole, and aim to address the underlying causes of health problems rather than just treating symptoms. Cleansing and detoxification are often used as a part of a comprehensive approach to promoting overall wellness.